Monday, March 3, 2014

Single Awareness Day//Valentine's Day

Tasty Treats

So in the spirit of Valentines Day. My sisters and cousins came together and celebrated our singleness. It's not what you think where we sat around having a pitty party, gossiping while passing out tissue boxes. It was by far the best Single Awareness Day ever! I just wanted to share with you a few pictures and a link to a YouTuber @BethanyMota who inspired us to do this Single Awareness Day. Follow this link: href="http://">
All of the valentines day treats are provided in the link. Just because I have to share with you all how DELICIOUS this is. Recipe to Nutella Brownies is listed below. Nutella Brownies: * 1 tsp of vanilla * 1/2 cup of sugar * 1/3 cup of melted butter * 3/4 cup of flower * 2 eggs 1. Place in a large mixing bowl your sugar and melted butter. 2. Stir dry ingredients until evenly mixed then add eggs, vanilla. 3. Lastly, add in the Nutella into the mixture. 4. When all your ingredients are evenly mixed place it into a large baking pan and spread your mix evenly. 5. Place the brownies into your oven for about 15 minutes

Natural Hair Journey

Hello Friends, I wanted to document and share my natural hair journey. I had my last relaxer back in November, and its been four months since i've been natural. My decision to go natural was due to a dear friend Stacy who is an up and coming beautician. On February 1st I went in for a hair appointment to get highlights in my hair. Much to my disappointment, she was unable to put the color in my hair because of the damage brought forth by the relaxer. At that moment I knew it was time to go natural for the sake of healthier looking hair. Along with going natural I've also started a no heat challenge. So far I've been loving the results and compliments brought forth by this natural change. Within the past few weeks I haven't documented my hairstyle (shame because they looked so cute). I want to take this time and share a few products that have helped TREMENDOUSLY in transitioning from relaxed to natural.
Description of products (left to right) Biotin by Organix helps the growth of your hair. In using Biotin this amplifing lotion helps thicken your hair. Product is sold in grocery stores or drugstores. Herbal Essense Totally Twister detangler. This is my go-to product anytime I need to detangle my hair after a shower. This is a oldy but goody favorite. I ran out of my first bottle about a month ago and I refused to wash my hair without this product. I searched high and low in drugstores, supermarkets and beauty supply stores and it was no where to be found. Their website still offers the product however, I found this product on for $3.48 and ended up buying two and saved 25% along with free shipping! Lastly Loreal cleansing conditionerr. It's a shampoo + conditioner! I have dry hair so for this particular product it helps nourish and replenish my scalp. This product can be found in any grocery store, drugstore or beauty supply shop.

Hashtag a look

Style can be found anywhere you go. I've personally been using Instagram as a fashion tool in recreating looks. You simply use any hashtags like #instastyle, #lookbook, #fashiondiaries. I've included a few of the looks I've recreated from fashion bloggers and followers on my Instagram feed. Feel free to follow me on Instagram @whutabeg
Hint: Don't ever think your unable to rock a look. A female she feel comfortable in whatever she wears. I like expressing my style through my wardrobe and whether it's preppy one day or stylish chick it's the person inside that makes a difference. It's the woman inside that will make a difference. In the words of Coco Chanel