Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Green Tea Frapp AKA "The Grasshopper"

So there is one thing I can't live without and that is Starbucks Green Tea Frappachino with chocolate shavings. I found out about this drink on the secret menu on Starbucks three years ago since then I've been hooked. I think its safe to assume the title of this drink came from the chocolate chip shavings as a representation of the grasshoppers legs. I have an unorthodox taste so the fact that it was a green drink really pulled me in. The cost of a tall green tea frapp sums up to $4.25 with tax. Within a period of one month the total cost of consuming the drink 7x would accumulates to $29.75/per month without sales tax.
In hopes to feed my obsession while sticking to my budget, I decided I wanted to recreate the drink so YouTube and viewing the recipe online was most helpful. My process began with going to the grocery store to find the Matcha powder which was the key ingredient to the drink. Match Powder is a green tea powder from Japan that has a fine consistency. Whole Foods had Matcha Powder at an affordable price at $9.99 so the moment I got home I started gathering up my ingredients. I've included the ingredients below. * Please note that the ingredients is not the recipe found on Starbucks but my own revisions!!**
Green Tea Frapp:
*1 tsp of matcha powder* 1 cup of milk* 1 tsp of brown sugar* 1 cup of ice* 1 tsp of vanilla extract*
The recipe listed can be altered to your taste however, each time I make this drink I alter the drink to fit my taste. I hope you enjoy and leave a comment stating if this recipe inspired you in any way to recreate your own drink.

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